Tuesday, 27 July 2010

What else do you do?

I got given a project this year at uni where I could more or less do anything I liked. It was called 'What else do you do?' and was one of my favorites as there was literally no structure and no limits at all. It was a chance to do something completely creative, and a great opportunity to use all the other facilities and resources in the school. Some people chose to make and illustrate their own books, create quirky animations, or even craft something beautiful from paper.

I chose to write the word 'prick' using pins.

copyright sktchpd 2010 ⓒ

It was just a simple play-on-words idea that I came up with which is pretty self-explanatory. I thought it was still quite "course-appropriate" as it primarily focuses on typography, but still gave me an opportunity to be a bit audacious, and see what I could get away with.. which apparently wasn't much seeing as the school principal wouldn't allow it in my final end of year degree show. Gutted.

Thursday, 22 July 2010


I have been so so busy recently with everything that I haven't really had chance to update my blog in ages, so I'm going to attempt to update on everything these next few days, and get some more examples of various pieces of work up.

Basically I had my final ever deadline for uni a couple months ago, which was kind of stressful and kept me very busy. I then had my uni exhibition to help organise and put up, which took a lot of time and effort from everyone involved, but was well worth it in the end as we had a lot of praise from a lot of people.

I then found out I got picked to go to the 2010 D&AD New Blood show in London which was really exciting news! Me and around 12 fellow students had to work together to prepare large AO posters of our work to put up in the show. Once again the hard work payed off, and our stand within The Old Truman Brewery in Shoreditch was something to be proud of.

After four days in London, I returned to attend my Graduation. It was hot, sweaty and to be honest pretty hilarious. It was quite sad though to think that that was the end of it all, and even sadder having to say bye to close friends that I knew I may never see again, or at least for a while.

A couple days after that I then received a few emails from some big London agencies that had seen and liked my work at the New Blood exhibition, and wanted me to meet with them. I was so excited and went down to London with my boyfriend the following week for meetings and interviews. They went really well and one company (BBDO) set up a placement for me and asked me to do some branding for them which I was ecstatic about as they are huge!

So since then I have been working on that, and am waiting to hear back from them. I just can't wait to get a proper job now, and start earning some proper money at long last!